Hitchen group offer a wide range of services for the HVAC market place in the UK and Ireland. With over 40 years of experience in the HVAC market, Hitchen Group can offer a service of providing you, a Building Management System, Thermal Insulation, Energy Analysis, Energy Metering, and Billing Service solutions for your HVAC system.
Hitchen Group has a diverse range of people skills available to Design, Engineer, Project Management, Installation, Commission and service, together with our experience this has allowed us to develop a range of solutions and services to assist the construction industry on energy management.
Hitchen group are available to assist you on your energy requirements, please browse our web site for further information on the services we can provide you.
Building Management Systems
- HVAC Control Systems
- Thermal Insulation Installation
- Energy Management Systems
- Energy Metering Solutions
- Meter Billing Services